
What’s special about God

In my Core 101 lecture today, I was reminded of something I’d nearly forgotten: that the God of the Bible, the Christian God, is totally different from any other idea of God out there. Christianity is different from other religions. The Bible is definitely old. But my professor said something I don’t really understand: “The…Continue Reading…

NewSong LA

This morning, I went to Sunday church service at NewSong LA. This was my first time attending NewSong. It’s a very different experience from any other church I’ve ever been to. It’s held at Crenshaw High School, which in itself isn’t unusual. After all, Epicentre is also at a school. The first thing I noticed…Continue Reading…

No Giants – Michael Priebe

There are no giants in this land No one to stand against His mighty hand No need to be afraid, No need to run away There are no giants, No giants in this land No Giants by Michael Priebe