
Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-20 via Twitter

Studying for CSCI 303 – the running time of MAX-HEAPIFY on a subtree of size n rooted at a given node i is the ?(1) time to fix up the re… # The Asus Eee PC S101 looks nice. I’d love to see one in person. What retail store has it on display? CompUSA, Fry’s,…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-19 via Twitter

Studying for CSCI 303 – Currently P, NP, NP-completeness, and reductions. # Inherit the Mirth – The Last Breakfast – # Watching Sarah Palin on SNL. Fortunately it’s online :) Can you tell the difference between them? I got 100% – # Brain Tuner Lite has been downloaded 1,209,169 times. Now get the…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-18 via Twitter

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in my opinion, has an very nice website. – I wish I could design like that. # The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has a very nice website, in my opinion. – I wish I could design like that. # Learn more about Prop 8 – – Watching…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-17 via Twitter

Watched an interview with Lew Rockwell – – of # Should the government interfere with the housing market? Think about the meaning of “market price.” # Where’s the McCain campaign commercial featuring Joe the Plumber? # Interview w/Joe the Plumber. – Still don’t think there’s significant difference between McCain/Obama. #…Continue Reading…

WordPress: Export Emails Of All Commenters

I managed to export the email addresses of all commenters on a WordPress blog so that I could check if they’re using Twitter. This is fairly straightforward to do: 1. Using phpMyAdmin, export to CSV. 2. Using Excel, clean up the list: 2a. Import and set semicolon as the delimeter. 2b. Take the email addresses…Continue Reading…