Yahoo 360

About time I blogged a little something on this. Yahoo 360 (I refuse to put the exclamation point, I think it draws undeserved additional attention to Yahoo’s name :P) is Yahoo’s social networking service, much like Orkut, Wallop, Friendster, etc. It will be interesting to see how these services diverge and attempt to set themselves apart – whether it be exclusive invites, features, design, the other people on the service, benefits to members, or even something else. I have noticed already that Yahoo search, undoubtedly thanks to pressure from Google, is much improved nowadays.

3 Responses to “Yahoo 360”

  1. Raja says:

    I think u can catch me : me an old user at google community

    Do u have an invite for yahoo 360.
    Please send me one. (malapati at google’s mail service).


  2. Anonymous says:


    I was wondering if you by chance have any Wallop invitations or know where I can get one?

    Much appreciated.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  3. nema says:

    i need a one gmail

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