I want to work in software engineering
… at Google or Yahoo. But who doesn’t? Hopefully they consider this idea:
The other important thing to consider is that most IT folk do their best work young and fresh out of college. They’re not “old hands”, they’re “young minds”. The real innovators are almost invariably people who haven’t learned yet that what they’re coding is impossible.
There ARE coders who know something is impossible, but code it anyway, but they are relatively rare. If a start-up wants the absolute best (and at rock-bottom prices), then it needs to go after the recently-graduated. Better yet, the start-up should find hot talent prior to University and sponsor them through it in exchange for part-time work during University and a contract at the end.
The reason youth is important is that old-hands tend to get stuck in a rut. They get used to doing things a particular way and loose the ability to step back and see what it is that is really going on. Look at any online resume of an experienced coder. Odds are, most such folk have a very few skills they have honed to perfection – with the consequence that they can do next to nothing with them.
Now, look at the people who are experienced but who are ALSO doing some damn good work. Odds are high that they’ll have a much more diverse range of skills, are much less in some mould or other and likely have a more “Classical” background or education, where diversity rather than finesse was appreciated.
Also, America’s work habits burn people out very quickly. No real vacation, no time to recharge, the ideal is to “produce” not learn and the Corporate Culture is king. It is doubtful America’s high-tech industry can take much more of this kind of abuse. Something has to give. (slashdot comment)
I’m still young. Pick me :)
What’s job security like down the road if old coders aren’t in high demand?