Physics 152, EE 454, CS 477, CS 480
These are the classes I’m taking this semester. I thought I’d do a brief overview of them while they’re in mind.
Phys 152: second semester physics, covering electricity and magnetism. It’s been a long time since I took first semester physics and calculus, so this might be one of my harder classes. We had our first exam, and it went well.
Next thing due: Homework next Thursday.
Next exam: Quiz next Thursday. Midterm 2 on Thursday, April 2, 5-6:30 PM.
EE 454: Microprocessor design. Lots of thinking, design, homework. Very interesting, but I can’t get into it because I’m a software guy. I have to think about iPhone apps all day. So while I try to get out of it as much as I can, I can’t help but wonder if this is really what I should be spending so much time on.
Next thing due: HW#5 due 2/23/09 Mon. 4:30PM
I know he passed this out in class… but I can’t find my copy. I might need to download/print another from Blackboard :(
Next exam: Midterm 3/31/2009 Tuesday 09:00-10:50
CS 477: senior design project. I’m doing a Web 2.0 Neighborhood Watch / Community Empowerment site. Mostly design stuff. No real HW or exams.
Next thing due: Presentations on week 8 (week after next)
CS 480: computer graphics. Taught by DreamWorks guy. Class website.
Next thing due: HW2, assigned 2/23/09, due March 13 ’09, by midnight (late Fri. night)
Next exam: Midterm: 3/9/09 (Mon)
So that’s how things stand. I’m trying to bring myself to spend less time on classes. But I’m just not the kind of person who can shoot for anything less than an A ;(
No experiences in life is wasted, even in a class you don’t think you need. You will be a better person for it, and it gives you choices to choose to draw on those experiences later on.
Interesting that the comment by Anonymous also spammed my site.