Why Not to Use Xanga

Some good info in here.

Friend: elloit u should switch over to xanga instead of blog
Me: xanga sucks..
Friend: lol
Me: i created my xanga in march but it’s just a commercial business
Friend: ic
Me: they force ads on your blog
Friend: ic
Me: the features are horrible and you can’t customize very much without paying $
Friend: im not surprised
Friend: so ur making money off of xanga?
Me: no. xanga is

101 Responses to “Why Not to Use Xanga”

  1. Jordan says:

    I like Xanga (personally,) there are no ads on mine. Except for the Xanga search bar (which is really useful) and the little xanga button. I think it is pretty easy to personalize as well. The AOL ones suck really bad. DON’T USE THE AOL BLOGS!

  2. brittany says:

    actually, its pretty good! If you wait like 5 days, u get a free trail of xanga premium. then ur site will look alot! better see , mine is http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Treasure_beauty

  3. Matt says:

    a couple of these ppl in here are like “you’ve got a point”
    …..you dont have a point, you have no idea what you’re talking about
    there’s a little advertising banner at the top thats less than an inch think and 8 inches wide
    so what, get over it
    and as for not being able to customize your xanga…what r u, brain-dead? you gotta be kidding me
    see, there this neat thing they have out now called “GOOGLE”, you can search the ENTIRE web for whatever you want, so it makes it easy to learn how to customize and actually find codes for your xanga
    AMAZING i know
    but i mean, cmon, look at what you’ve got, i dont know what this is, but….it sux, its boring, there’s nothing fun, nothing that looks cool, no music, no cool things for links, ur cursor is completely normal…now, i dont know if you can change that stuff with whatever you’ve got (if you cant, than obviously xanga is much better) but, i know that you havent, so you shouldnt have been complaining about xanga

  4. ANONYMOUS says:

    U guys are all crazy da banner on top can easily be removed with an HTML code Im serious ya’ll r just lazy

  5. Rubin says:

    WordPress is elegant coding in action… pure genius. Installation took me all of a couple minutes (mostly upload time, actual install was about five seconds).

    In two evenings, I customized, debugged and loaded some initial content and I’m now up and running.

    The genius of WordPress is mostly in the way it relies almost entirely on CSS to define the structure/layout of pages… little to no HTML.


  6. Hey, xanga’s not THAT bad. Like a few others have already explained, you can make many customizations to your blog without having to subscribe to the premium service. And premium isn’t that expensive anyway. Only $25/year, which is only about 7 cents a day.

    Sure there are people whose pages take forever to load and stuff, but it isn’t that bad. You’ll find good and bad blogs on xanga.

  7. Katherine says:

    Everyone seems to miss the entire idea of a blog. It’s basically a journal that you make public. It’s about the ideas you express with a little text on a different colour background– not music and skins and pictures and html, etc.
    As for the ads, no one that’s ever looked at my xanga has ever commented to me on the ads.
    I think entries should be more interesting than the graphics and sounds anyway.
    Anyone agree?!

  8. one smart dude says:

    ur stupid the only thing premium does iss add a lil spell check and if u know html u can get rid of the ads and put in ur own the customations are endless! u don’t think there are many colors? look up html codes for colors and you’ll get an endless number. the possabilities are endless. well as long as ur not braindeads like urself

  9. Mic says:

    “Xanga: The bottom of the barrel of blogs. It’s incredible that the user base is able to write so much, yet say so little. I have to give a bit of kudos though, considering the fact that many of the users have the reading comprehension of a bowl full of pubes.”

  10. Jana says:

    My Xanga is awesome, you dont have to pay anything to have a cool site, all u need to do is learn some damn html and u can totally change the way ur site looks and actually they dont force ads onto ur site only one at the top which u can cover with a code so there!

  11. Mell says:

    I use xanga just to keep some friends updated, they use it too, I like it as well. So yeah, I like making layouts there, but there is one thing I hate that you guys were talking about also, those damn adds! I can’t play music if I remove it, well it doesn’t on my comp. Plus it looks ugly there. So just one thing that I dislike of xanga. Other than that, it’s cool

  12. jing says:

    um there is this feature you can use called ad remover that removes the ad in ur blog and u should check out all the great sites with codes, i created mine taking the codes i wanted and changin it to fit my desires…its pretty fun actually

  13. Kyle says:

    Okay. I don’t want to put up a fight, but everything you have in that little “chat” between two people is absalutely wrong…there is a way to get rid of your xanga without paying for premium. You just have to build a code (like I did) and then all of the ad’s disapear. And you can be WAY more creative with xanga then you can be with any old blog. I know my xanga rocks…check it out and you’ll see what I mean.

    If you get off your ass and learn html and CSS it rocks. I know I did (but I’ve always been a comp. freak) and getting rid of ad’s and such is very easy. I would have to go the other way and say that blog’s suck.


  14. Kyle says:

    if you put this code in your WEB STATS on xanga..that I made..the ad will disapear..lol..it’s amazing..

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  16. Christina says:

    I love xanga… I created my entire site with HMTL/CSS… it’s not hard, nor is it that time consuming. It does not cost money to type up HTML. You just have to know what you want.

  17. annonymous says:

    xanga dont suck :)!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Person says:

    Xanga doesnt suck. So what if its commerial buisness, its not like everything else isnt.

  19. meagan says:

    how do i put a layout on my xanga?

  20. doug says:

    what really irritates me is some 14 year old kid that thinks xanga is stupid because he doesn’t understand the concept of business. xanga IS a company, designed to make a profit. any business is like this. you can’t have a million people sign on to a web page (which, in turn, routes through the internet, connecting to an expensive server room running multiple t3 lines, all of which cost money) and expect it to be free. on top of that, people have to maintain it. js, php, and html technologies are not the easiest to keep up and maintain, especially if you are dealing with databases.

    now lets look at blogger. blogger puts a small bar at the top of your site to let you browse through other sites, and go home. typically, there is a small text advertisement, and blogger offers options that cost money to pay for. they do the same thing, except in a less commercialized scale.

    going back to ads on xanga, there are two servers xanga retreives ads from. if you set your security settings high enough, and block the two main sites (i’m not going to tell you what they are because 1. i don’t feel like searching through my list and wasting my time, and 2. because you seem to be so anti-xanga that it doesn’t matter what i do or tell you, you’re still going to hate it and be frustrated), you will never see another ad on xanga again. there are also alternatives in the coding that you can remove the banners. such as on blogger though, you remove their ad-banner, you can be kicked off/banned from the respective service.

    you need to learn things before shouting off at the mouth.

  21. Elliot says:

    doug, you’ve missed the point. I understand business. I run several dedicated servers to host my websites. I understand that there is a great deal of hardware and work involved. In fact, I personally use XHTML/CSS, PHP/MySQL (database) on a daily basis.

    I don’t know what you mean by “js.” That typically refers to JavaScript, but Xanga is powered by Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages), which is their own proprietary web scripting technology.

    That said, the point is not the advertisements. At the client level, sure, you can block advertisements. But as you said, these ARE businesses, and I believe they deserve the ad revenue.

    I have reasons for being anti-xanga, and banners is not one of them. One is the online social networks it creates. Kids are using xanga to vent. They are also reading xangas to learn information. Some of this is valid. Most of it is not.

    In addition, it is virtually impossible to create a xanga that complies with w3c coding standards. The Javascript “hacks” that are used and encouraged are not only stupid, but also encourages kids to think that this is the way websites work. It gives them a distorted view of the world, and many of them buy into it.

    I’m interested in your further thoughts on this, doug.

  22. Nick says:

    In truth, xanga is not all bad…that is, until you breach all its limits. That’s when it gets boring…

  23. Aki says:

    …all of you- well most of you need to get a life >_> So Elliot hates xanga- that’s his own business, I like xanga that’ my own opinion. If we all liked the same things- think how boring life would be ._.;;

  24. Claire says:

    I have no problem with xanga, you all can suck a —-.

  25. Kim says:

    If no one else has noticed, xanga has cleverly put up a new banner that is resistant to my old code. Anyone got any fixes yet? I can’t figure it out, and my page is simply hideous now. :)

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