The best dedicated servers provider
The best dedicated server provider:
1. Offers wide range of servers and server lines.
2. Dynamically covers all specs and OS.
3. Has his own Datacenter.
4. Guarantees a perfect network and sensitive/quick support.
5. Proactively monitors and basic manages your server.
6. Treats you as a human being, not as a wannabe criminal.
7. Has managed to keep your business for at least one year.
8. Has a transparent billing system and reasonable prices.
9. Maintains his own discussion and support forum, being in a constant contact with his clients.
10. Sends you white T-shirt with your nameservers engraved and a red baseball hat for the Thanksgiving Day.
and who is this best dedicated server ?
search google, one of the best is Triple Fiber Network URL, truly best service I ever used.