Spamming all Gmail accounts?

I found this in the inbox of a Gmail account whose address I never gave out in any way, shape, or form.

to me
Hide options Sep 17 (3 days ago)

To: [email protected]
Date: Fri Sep 17 12:51:06 PDT 2004
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Advertiser: J.E Fatuch – Webdesigner Winner Of “The Golden Web Awards” 2002 – 2003 – 2004
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Hello quotas,

I’d like to offer you my services of Webdesigner and Webmaster to build, redesign or update your website with the following options:

– Chat or Live Help – PRICE $1000

P.S.: If you don’t already have a Gmail account, you can get a Gmail invite here.

66 Responses to “Spamming all Gmail accounts?”

  1. N Jilani says:

    Girls will be appreciated first hahahahahhahahahahahaha

  2. ashokbisoyee says:

    how can i creat a new gmail id

  3. kelvin says:

    hi plz i wil like u to open a gmail account 4 mi ok and send me the password

  4. alex says:

    tell mehow i can open an account in gmail with the space of 8 gb

  5. Gaurav Bindal says:

    I want to open email account in gmail.

  6. venkatramangs says:

    how to open an gmail account

  7. venkatramangs says:

    how to open an e mail account in

  8. vipin pachauri says:

    i want to join this gmail plz help me

  9. vipin pachauri says:

    i want to make a gmail account but i dont know about how rea make a gmil account
    so plz mail me


  10. Daniel says:

    HEY man.. sup? dude i needa gmail… so If its not too hard .plz email me [email protected] and send me a gmail… alright man Thx

  11. Mr. bappi says:

    i want to open a gmail account free.

  12. panchatatva says:

    very safe

  13. panchatatva says:

    very safe.

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