Clever eBay Phishing

I woke this morning to an email that looks like this:

eBay phishing email

(I didn’t display images, in case they were using image tracking to see who opened their email.) It’s very clever. Rather than a cheap-looking email that says “update your billing info”, this one actually poses as an email from another eBay user, and makes it look like it’s going through eBay’s messaging system. However, it’s not: all of the email’s links point to (unsecure site; appears to be down atm; maybe they were shut down). This gives it the look of a legitimate email, while still enabling the scammer to get the victim’s eBay login. Be wary of emails you receive.

3 Responses to “Clever eBay Phishing”

  1. Sam says:

    Whoa, I got one of those…I didn’t check the header though. A bit later, eBay sent me an email that happened to point some message out. I thought it was pretty random that eBay pointed that particular message out, since I had numerous emails from buyers regarding my item I had posted. How would a phisher get login information from that?

    Wait, I might have responded to it. Would the new window resulting from clicking one of those links have the phishy link in the Go field? Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Sam says:

    I double-checked the message, and the links are legitimate. They point to eBay links that are secure. Good.

  3. Bonnie says:

    re ceived a LoveOGram. I think its a phishing scam. Have you seen that? It was sent to myedu school address.

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