Bugle Emulator

The bugle emulator is a little depressing. There’s a shortage of bugle players, so they have to use these. Looks like there’s an organization dedicated to aiding the military in this regard.

2 Responses to “Bugle Emulator”

  1. Rick Conn says:

    Where do you purchase these ‘Bugle emulators’ ???? I would like to have one for our organization. Shrine Legion of Honor. We do flag retirement ceremonies and we sure could use one.

    rick conn
    Adjutant, Yaarab Shrine Legion of Honor
    Atlanta , Ga.

  2. Friends;

    While we have some to the point of “accepting” the begle emulators due to the shortage of real buglers in the military, it is not always necessary to resort to this charade.

    Since Buglers Across America was formed in 2000 over 5000 men and women have volunteered to be a part of this exceptional enterprise to make sure that a live bugler is available when needed for veteran’s funerals, memorial and veterans day ceremonies, and other worthy activities.

    I’m sure that the BAA volunteers would be happy to help at flag retirement ceremionies as well. I’m doing one tomorrow night for my son’s cub scout pack.

    You can find the BAA at http://xeml.buglesacrossamerica.org/index.xeml.

    Best regards and Toujours Pret!

    David Michel, Sgt/Bugler

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