Software security
The following is a paid review:
I was asked to review Software security, a website offering software security articles. The first thing I noticed when I saw the site was the simple, clean layout design. The top of the page has the heading “software security @web articles”, with the second part in a blue color. Then there’s a generic red background with some navigation links on it: home, submit articles, free content, and contact. Overall, it looks like a typical template for a content website, and doesn’t seem particularly original. I would suggest improving branding with a more unique name, instead of using only general terms like “software security”.
Clicking home takes you to the front page of the entire website, at It’s a typical article directory, with various categories for both submitting and viewing articles. Visitors are invited to link back to the site from theirs.
Clicking submit articles takes you to a page with information about submitting an article. This is interesting because the main purpose of an article directory is to host and provide info submitted by others. From this page, if you understand the guidelines for an article submission, you can go to the actual submission form. This form accepts the article in .doc or .html formats, and warns that other file types – such as php, phtml, and cgi – are not accepted.
Clicking free content backs the user out from the software security category, and provides instructions on how to get free content for your website. This is interesting because article directories don’t always make it so easy to syndicate their content. Of course, they do benefit from the increased exposure, so why not?
Two syndication options are provided. The first option is to “Subscribe to general Feeds of the last articles added” in the directory. This means that the newest articles in the directory – in the general category – are shown on your website. Within this first option, there are two methods for getting the content onto your site. The first is “The JavaScript method”, which the site recommends for beginners. All you have to do is:
1) Select the number of items you want to appear on your site.
2) Copy and paste the provided JavaScript code.
The second method is “The XML – RSS method”, which is more professional. I would recommend this option because not all users have JavaScript enabled, and many search engines will not pay attention to JavaScript either. Again, you can select the number of feeds you want, and copy the resulting URL.
The second syndication option is to subscribe to specific feeds “added under specific categories”. This is the one I would recommend, because it’s very important that the content you have on your website is related to your website. Again, JavaScript Feeds and XML-RSS Feeds are provided.
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