
Today, I Lose All Respect For Apple: Software “Updater” Installs Safari

I used to highly respect Apple. I bought an iBook, a few iPods, an iMac, and an iPhone. I’ve purchased several songs on iTunes, and I’ve used the Safari beta. They’re trying to remove DRM from iTunes music. They were a good company. But as of today, I’ve lost all respect for them. Let me…Continue Reading…

Comparing Images and Measuring their Similarity in PHP

I’m very proud of myself tonight. You see, I’m a programmer at heart. Yet it has been a long time since I just programmed something for fun. Not a contest, not a class. Just out of pure usefulness and interest. Here’s the story. I setup a webcam to watch my room for the day, and…Continue Reading…

Lenovo ThinkPad X300 vs Apple MacBook Air

Chinese company Lenovo, which acquired IBM’s computing division in 2005, today is throwing around the word “perfection.” And I think this could very well be the closest a laptop has ever come. They have released the ThinkPad X300, a 2.9 lb. wonder. Far less than an inch thick, it’s the lightest and thinnest ThinkPad ever…Continue Reading…

iPhone “GPS” Location – Software Update

On my birthday, Apple released a new software update for iPhone. Thankfully, it’s free. Apple really does treat their iPhone users well :) I’m downloading the update now. It’s a whopping 162.1 MB! That’s a lot of stuff. I wonder if it has to store location data locally. I don’t see why it would, but…Continue Reading…

MacBook Air: World’s Thinnest Notebook

Apple announced today (my birthday :) the release of the MacBook Air, which they claim is the world’s thinnest notebook. What I’d like to know is: what was the thinnest notebook before today? The MacBook Air is 0.76″ at its thickest point. There is a hard drive option (80 GB 1.8″ hard drive) and flash…Continue Reading…

One Laptop Per Child No Longer Available

To US consumers, that is. The “Give 1 Get 1” program ended on December 31, 2007. So now that it’s over, and at least hundreds of thousands of Americans have tried it out, what do people think? My OLPC on an extremely messy desk The Economist says it’s “One clunky laptop per child.” At least…Continue Reading…