
Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-01 via Twitter

It’s amazing how the world has changed since 1963. Watching “JFK Video: The Dallas Tapes” – – Fascinating # Two days after Lee Harvey Oswald shot President John Kennedy, he was shot and mortally wounded by Jack Ruby on live TV (link in prev. tweet) #

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-31 via Twitter

“separation of church and state” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. but this does: # Third grade civics lesson – remarkably true: # Currently watching from October 30, 2008 Third Party Presidential Debate # Bob Barr actually sounds pretty good. But I’m still undecided between Ralph Nader and Chuck Baldwin…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-30 via Twitter

Today: Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader debate the economy. Streamed live starting at 1:30 PM Pacific time. # lol, every one of the “official” presidential debates were the same! # lol!! digg this – Tron Paul ’08 #

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-29 via Twitter

What SHOULD the government do? Enforce contracts, prosecute fraud, and regulate the Federal Reserve to restore sound money. # We should regulate the institutions that are causing harm. And get rid of bad debt. # We need to get rid of misdirected investments. We’re getting there slowly. # The Sarbanes-Oxley Act had a…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-28 via Twitter

Lincoln asked, “If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? The answer is four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.” # Ron Paul supports Tom McClintock for Congress. #

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-10-27 via Twitter

At SoCal Code Camp, I met Fabio and Michael from MRMLS. And I learned that everyone uses one database with many tables. # Reading “Why “Open Source” misses the point of Free Software” – # Ron Paul is a write-in candidate for President in California for Nov. 4. (PDF) # Ron Paul video…Continue Reading…