
School’s out

I’ve completed my first semester of college. Audrey is on break, now, too. Amy has another week, though. It’s nice to have no school weighing down on me. I’d been sleeping in, but this morning I woke rather early: around 8 am. I guess that’s a good sign. I like to wake early. It provides…Continue Reading…

Crush007 Modified Phishing Scam

I’ll quote a conversation I had about half an hour ago with a friend from high school: Krishna: hey Krishna: how ya doin? Me: just fine Krishna: cool Krishna: i got this site it predicts ur love life Krishna: its so cool Krishna: its so accurate Me: haha Me: how would you know if it…Continue Reading…

tetris it

One of the funnier uses for a word that I’ve seen. 1. tetris it when you have alot of stuff to fit in a little space like packing a suitcase or filling a trunk of a car with bags. skeptic – “I don’t think we can fit the body, the chainsaw, the money bags, and…Continue Reading…

On megabytes and gigabytes

Joseph created his Gmail account today. When he saw the front page, he thought Google was providing 2344 megabytes of storage to be shared among everyone in the world. That’s hardly anything, he thought. In fact, Google gives that amount of space to each account. Then he said, “I thought megabytes were WAY bigger than…Continue Reading…

Why 47 is great

I found this page to be especially amusing. Update: the link went dead, so I’m copying it here.  Reasons why 47 is the greatest number in existence! Here are 23 1/2 facts; half of 47! It’s the meaning of Life All important people have 4 letters in their first name, and 7 letters in their…Continue Reading…

A parent’s primer to computer slang

… according to Microsoft. Key points for learning leetspeek • Numbers are often used as letters. The term “leet” could be written as “1337,” with “1” replacing the letter L, “3” posing as a backwards letter E, and “7” resembling the letter T. “0” (zero) will typically replace the letter “O.” • Characters of similar…Continue Reading…