
Crush007 Modified Phishing Scam

I’ll quote a conversation I had about half an hour ago with a friend from high school: Krishna: hey Krishna: how ya doin? Me: just fine Krishna: cool Krishna: i got this site it predicts ur love life Krishna: its so cool Krishna: its so accurate Me: haha Me: how would you know if it…Continue Reading…

Laser is Better

I was walking down the hall listening to my inkjet printer cranking away, and a peculiar thought struck me. LASERs are astounding (LASER = Light Amplification Of Stimulated Emission Of Radiation, I looked it up, didn’t memorize it). Really. Think about this for a moment. Think inkjet printers are good? (Yeah, compared with dot matrix.)…Continue Reading…

Virus Project

I had a dream and it went something like this.. Imagine the world’s top ten hackers, crackers, and programmers gathered together to work as one team for one purpose: the creation of the world’s deadliest computer virus. The International Virus Project Convention is an event that is doing just that. With all of the world’s…Continue Reading…

Free Analytics from Google

Looks like Google’s making good use of their acquisition of Urchin. Like Picasa and Keyhole, Google is turning acquired products into products of their own by applying a Google flavor and then reducing the price (because they can). And having the name of Google behind it is likely to make the new Google Analytics one…Continue Reading…

What if results could be connected with origins?

I was looking at the floor in the restroom here in Marks Hall, and I noticed that the drain cover was off. On it was an engraving: “SMITH.” And I wondered: where did it come from? The drain cover must be its own element of the puzzle. Despite there being an entire restroom with many…Continue Reading…

Making Money from Blogs

At ProBlogger, there’s an interesting post that I should take a closer look at about making money from blogs. Along those same lines, there’s one about how AdSense does pricing. Also, tips for Chitika.